Modern Machine Learning for LHC Physicists
Modern machine learning is transforming particle physics, faster than we can follow, and bullying its way into our numerical tool box. For young researchers it is crucial to stay on top of this development, which means applying cutting-edge methods and tools to the full range of LHC physics problems. These lecture notes are meant to lead students with basic knowledge of particle physics and significant enthusiasm for machine learning to relevant applications as fast as possible. They start with an LHC-specific motivation and a non-standard introduction to neural networks and then cover classification, unsupervised classification, generative networks, and inverse problems. Two themes defining much of the discussion are well-defined loss functions reflecting the problem at hand and uncertainty-aware networks. As part of the applications, the notes include some aspects of theoretical LHC physics. All examples are chosen from particle physics publications of the last few years. Given that these notes will be outdated already at the time of submission, the week of ML4Jets 2022, they will be updated frequently.