The genus Hydrocharis L. includes three geographically isolated species. Analysis of the actual data (32 thousand geographical locations and 1946 herbarium sheets) covering the period 1765–2019 made it possible to clarify the nature of the distri- bution of these species and its changes. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. has disjunctive Eurasian – North American temperate range, with a massive North American en- clave, the formation of which began in the 1930–1940s. The range of Hydrocharis dubia (Blume) Backer is disjunctive Southeast Asian – Australian subboreal-tropical, Australia enclave began forming in the 1850–1870s. Hydrocharis chevalieri (De Wild.) Dandy is a macrothermal Central African equatorial endemic. Current threat status of all species may be estimated as Least Concern. The mean annual temperature is the most contrasting feature of the distribution areas of the species, water depth, bottom soil type and hydrochemical composition have lower impact. Prognostic models of the potential distribution of the tagged species have been made.