We present the design, implementation and impact of an innovative new approach to delivering hands-on lab experiences to address the challenge of engaging iGeneration students. In the Business Systems and Policy course, a core requirement for most Business programs, we aimed to leverage the iGeneration’s affinity for “storification” and social media to enhance their engagement and, by extension, their learning. The labs are cast as a series of class blog entries written by a fictional student peer, a young woman named “Max,” who stumbles into an opportunity to work for a local Silicon Valley startup, building a mobileintegrated app to help them search for venture capital funding. As the story unfolds, she relates the business challenges and how she learns to meet them, step-by-step, with cloud-based Salesforce.com. Using free accounts, students follow along, “concretizing” IS concepts. We share lessons learned and preliminary evidence of engagement, satisfaction and learning impacts.
Zhiwei Zhu,et al.
The Impact of Student Expectations in Using Instructional Tools on Student Engagement: A Look though the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Lens
J. Inf. Syst. Educ..
Sharon Clinebell,et al.
The Tension in Business Education Between Academic Rigor and Real-World Relevance: The Role of Executive Professors
Steve A. Steed,et al.
Student Engagement: Developing a Conceptual Framework and Survey Instrument
Chetan S. Sankar,et al.
Design Experiential Learning Activities for MIS Introductory Courses
Annalise Friend.
Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the way they learn