Analytical study of production and marketing of rapeseed and mustard in Bathinda District (Punjab)

The present study was conducted to estimate the costs and returns structure in the production of rapeseed and mustard, to identify the marketing channels, to analyze the price spread in the marketing of rapeseed and mustard and to identify the constraints in the production and marketing of rapeseed and mustard in Bathinda district of Punjab during 2015-16. Primary data were collected from 80 farmers comprised of 27 small, 47 medium and 6 large farmers from four villages of Talwandi Sabo and Sangat blocks of Bathinda district. To study the marketing aspects data were collected from various intermediaries in Raman and Sangat markets of Bathinda district. The results revealed that the average size of operational holding in case of small, medium and large farmers was 3.99, 11.85 and 29.50 acres, respectively. The area under rapeseed and mustard on the said categories of farms was 0.94, 2.97 and 7.65 acres, respectively. The total fixed costs per acre were estimated to be Rs.7277.90, Rs.7312.94 and Rs.4974.27 while per acre total variable costs came out to be Rs.7612.87, Rs.7311.01 and Rs.7138.11, respectively on the small, medium and large farms. The returns over variable costs were found highest on large farms (Rs.15545.05) as compared to medium (Rs.12951.18) and small (Rs.11908.51) farms. Total cost per quintal of output was estimated to be the lowest on the large farms which might be due to operation of economies of scale. The per cent profit margin was estimated to be 23.72, 27.82 and 46.60 per cent on small, medium and large farms, respectively. The results of productivity analysis showed that at overall level the actual yield was found less than the yield of PAU recommended variety (PBR 357) by 3.50 quintal per acre. This gap could be narrowed down by making available better quality farm inputs, pesticides and insecticides, weed control and disease management. The marketed surplus on large farms came out to be 95.09 per cent followed by small (90.53%) and medium (89.67%) farms. The price spread in Sangat market (Rs.8008.90) was found to be more than that Raman market (Rs.7953.90) in Channel-I (Producer-Processor-Oil wholesalers-Oil retailers-Consumers). Producer‟s share in consumer rupee in channel-II was found more as compared to both the markets in channel I as none of intermediaries were involved in this channel. High cost of inputs, shortage of labour, nonavailability of quality inputs particularly plant protection chemicals, production and price risks, incidence of pests and diseases, lack of suitable varieties, exploitation by middlemen and lack of processing facilities were important production and marketing constraints and overcoming these constraints is critical for improving production and productivity of rapeseed and mustard in the district. Major avenues for future increase in rapeseed and mustard production are expected to come from enhancement in productivity of this crop. A combination of high yielding varieties and hybrids and efficient crop management needs to be adopted.