A conceptual framework for serious games and its validation

This research introduces a conceptual framework for the design of serious games and uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for its validation. An initial study identified 12 attributes of educational serious games that can be used to support effective learning. These attributes are used in the conceptual framework to support learning and pedagogy in combination with the games. The Serious-Games-TAM was used to confirm that serious games, based on the proposed framework, would both be accepted by the learner and be useful for learning. Validation involved the collection and analysis of data from learners using a specially developed serious game that introduced international students to public transport in Southampton. After completing the game, participants completed a short questionnaire and the data was analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results identified the attributes and combinations of attributes that led the learners to accept and to use the serious game for learning. These findings significantly contribute to helping game designers and educational practitioners design serious games for effective learning.

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