Small Animal Dentistry — A Manual of Techniques

This hard cover book of 274 pages has many color pictures and diagrams that enhance the descriptions of various techniques, procedures, and lesions. Chapter 1 “Tooth Development” provides a very good basic overview of the subject. Oral developmental abnormalities, nomenclature, and anatomy are briefly discussed. The nomenclature and anatomy discussions would have benefited by being separate chapters. The diagrams are most useful, however, the pictures showing the oral lesions would benefit from having arrows pointing out the lesion in question. A discussion on the pathogenesis of each would also be of benefit. Chapter 2 “Clinical Evaluation” gives the reader numerous practice “pearls” and a good basic overview of what an extra and intra oral examination should encompass in both an awake and anesthetized patient. The abbreviations used do not conform with the standards created by either the American or the European Veterinary Dental Colleges. While grading systems are mentioned, a more detailed explanation would be of benefit to the reader. There is no discussion on fluoridation of teeth and a more in depth discussion on basic oral hygiene procedures would be useful. Pearls of information, such as using a pharyngeal pack of cellulose kitchen sponges, may be useful, but the sterility of materials and equipment must be taken into consideration. Chapter 3 “Equipping a Veterinary Dental Opertory” provides an excellent synopsis of the basic equipment needed for minor dental procedures, such as oral hygiene or extractions. Chapter 4 “Radiology” also would have benefited by having arrows pointing to the lesions in the radiographs. The chapter is very informative about the common lesions encountered in general practice. There is a good discussion about the advantages of oral radiography and the techniques associated with taking and developing dental radiographs. Chapter 5 “Exodontics,” or rather extraction, contains a good explanation of closed versus open extractions of single and multirooted teeth. The diagrams and pictures enhance the understanding of the techniques explained. There is no description of the crown amputation and replacement resorption technique that is commonly used in osteoclastic resorptive lesions in cats, yet it is mentioned in Figure 5.18. Also, there is no mention of pain control for these procedures and the equipment mentioned is limited and not fully inclusive. Extraction complications are briefly mentioned and warrant further discussion. Chapter 6 “Jaw Fracture Repair” explains the frequency of fracture sites and the forces that interfere with repair. The techniques described include the basic techniques for the general practioner, the pitfalls that can be encountered, and how to avoid them. Chapter 7 “Oral Surgery” provides tidbits of information on various techniques. The surgical techniques are not fully described, which leaves the reader with enough information to make using them dangerous. There is no discussion on partial or full mandibulectomies or maxillectomies. Chapter 8 “Suture Material” is short; it describes suture patterns and materials, which would have been better as presented in an addendum. Chapter 9 “Restoration” is also short, explaining only 1 technique of many restorative procedures. Some of the pitfalls associated with improper technique are mentioned. Chapter 10 “Endodontic Therapy” again gives a very short synopsis of endodontic therapy and is sadly lacking in content. This chapter leads the reader into believing that this procedure is easy, which it is not. The author makes some controversial statements and presents ideas, such as in Figure 10.5, that in my opinion are not acceptable forms of treatment. Chapter 11 “Pain Management” provides a very brief overview of analgesics. However, it has good descriptions of oral regional nerve blocks. Contraindications for, as well as complications of the blocks, are not discussed. Chapter 12 “Malocclusions and Normal Occlusion” is nicely detailed with the use of a canine model. Many pictured examples are given of malocclusions and the associated lesions. The last chapter is a pictorial of oral lesions that involve advanced treatment planning and skills. In general, this book gives the general practioner a short summary of general conditions and procedures that are seen on a regular basis. This book could be enhanced by the provision of references at the end of each chapter. The pictures and diagrams are helpful in understanding the principles involved in the various dental procedures. This is not a manual of dental techniques, but rather a good overview of the basic techniques and pictorial display of oral lesions.