SLS 장비 개발을 위한 레이저 주사 시스템 및 주사 경로 생성
Rapid Prototyping(RP) technology has been applied in many industnal areas such as modeling shape verification, prototype, application of a metal and a ceramic part, concurrent engineering, medical devices, and micro machines
These application areas has been expanded with producing and suppling RP machines to have newly developed technologies The laser scanning system sinters the powder by laser path control, which is one of major components for development of SLS(Selective Laser Sintering) machine It is comprised of a laser source, optics, a scanning mirror, and etc Since affecting the precision of whole machine and fabricating speed, this system needs to be designed with stability and superior fabncation precision and speed. The laser part also needs to be set up with minimum influence of environment and keeps optimal beam diameter and stable state optics such as reflecting mirrors and beam expander needs to be set up properly and aligned high precisely to control accurate beam path The scanning mirror to control laser scanning path needs to be operated with high, uniform and precise speed And above mentioned hardware component require each control software including path generation algorithm
This paper addresses the approach to develop laser scanning system including examination and analysis of commercial systems Especially, the algorithm of the laser scanning path generation is discussed for SLS machine, which considers offset value according to beam spot size, an intersection point at a sharp edge, an effective hatching pattern, and etc, from the slicing section