Evolutionary Actor-Multi-Critic Model for VNF-FG Embedding

The placement of Virtual Network Function - Forwarding Graphs (VNF-FGs) is one of the basic operations in the networks of the future. Being NP-hard, several heuristics and metaheuristics have been proposed. However, these approaches are inefficient due to the need to recalculate the solution at each service placement. In this paper, we adapt one of the most advanced approaches in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), in order to improve exploration by generalizing the neural network calculating action values. We also propose an evolutionary algorithm to evolve these neural networks in order to discover better ones, which also avoids getting stuck in local minima. In order to avoid going through the almost innumerable number of infeasible solutions, we propose a heuristic, which combined with our DRL, makes it possible to guarantee the feasibility of the solutions and therefore to make the placement much more efficient. The simulation results we obtained confirm the quality of the solutions obtained as well as the superiority of the proposed solution over the existing one.

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