Summary Report: Second Annual Meeting of the TES R&D User Group.

Abstract : This summary report is the product of a Threatened and Endangered Species (TES) User Group meeting held during 18-19 May 1995 in Washington, DC. Participants included installation, major command, and headquarters level representatives from the U.S. Army's natural resources management, training, and research communities. Primary issues addressed were the roles and responsibilities of the TES R&D User Group, and the status and direction of the U.S. Army's TES R&D program. The User Group provided specific recommendations addressing proposed products, milestones, and species and site selection. Notably, meeti 'model installatioti' approach focusing on Fort Stewart, Georgia, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker, and associated threatened and endangered plants and animals. A second tier of installations in the southeastern United States is also identified for related research and to provide a fu natural resources activities that affect TES in the region. Other regions, installations, and species will be addressed in the future depending upon availability of research finding.