Development and Implementation of the Garford Dynamic Bolt at the Kanowna Belle Mine

Kanowna Belle Gold Mine is a deep, high-stress, sublevel open stoping mine located near Kalgoorlie. Seismic activity during the development cycle presented problems, including concerns regarding the exposure of personnel. A number of seismic management systems were developed and tested to monitor seismicity and control the risk. It was recognised that a dynamically capable reinforcement and support system was required to be installed as part of the development cycle to reduce the risk of exposure of the underground workforce to uncontrolled movement of rock. The performance of a new Garford Dynamically capable bolt was measured in tests performed by the Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) at their Kalgoorlie Dynamic Test Facility. Detailed descriptions of the facility and data processing were reported by Player, Villaescusa and Thompson (2004) and Thompson, Villaescusa and Player (2004). The development of the Garford Dynamic bolt is described and dynamic testing results are presented and evaluated. This bolt was implemented in the mining cycle following the testing program; the observed performance is described and assessed in this paper.