Abstract The LiSoR (Liquid metal–Solid metal Reaction) facility was developed and installed to investigate especially the effects of liquid metal corrosion and embrittlement under irradiation. LiSoR setup is basically a LBE loop with a test section irradiated with 72 MeV protons whereby so far four test sections including T91 specimens have been irradiated in the presence of flowing LBE. Post-irradiation examinations (PIE) have been started up to now only on the test section irradiated for 34 h. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and micro-hardness tests have been completed on both the tube and tensile specimen in the test section. On the surfaces of the tensile specimen, LBE wetting was observed in the irradiated area and the area immediate above the irradiated zone. Below the irradiated area some depositions are observed on the surfaces. A thin oxide layer of about 3 μm was formed in the irradiated area only and no oxide layer is revealed above or below that region. Additionally, in the area above the irradiated area, slight dissolution is observed on the surface due to the absence of a protecting oxide layer. In this paper a summary of the LiSoR irradiation experiments carried out up to now are presented and as well the first results on PIE revealed on the test section irradiated for 34 h.
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