[Transjugular biopsy of the liver].

Transjugular liver biopsy is an alternative of percutaneous biopsy in collection of hepatic tissue for histological examination. It is used when percutaneous biopsy is contraindicated, or involves great risk, i.e. in particular in patients with severe ascites and severely impaired blood coagulation. According to worldwide statistics it occurs in about one third of hepatological patients. The authors present a group of 16 patients who had transjugular biopsy and report on the high yield and low risk of the method. A representative histological sample was obtained in 100%, there were no complications in the investigated group. The authors give an account of the indications and description of the method, its possible complications. They compare their results with data in the literature. Their initial experience confirms that the inclusion of transjugular biopsy among hepatological examination methods is justified.