The Monarch Initiative in 2019: an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species

Abstract In biology and biomedicine, relating phenotypic outcomes with genetic variation and environmental factors remains a challenge: patient phenotypes may not match known diseases, candidate variants may be in genes that haven’t been characterized, research organisms may not recapitulate human or veterinary diseases, environmental factors affecting disease outcomes are unknown or undocumented, and many resources must be queried to find potentially significant phenotypic associations. The Monarch Initiative ( integrates information on genes, variants, genotypes, phenotypes and diseases in a variety of species, and allows powerful ontology-based search. We develop many widely adopted ontologies that together enable sophisticated computational analysis, mechanistic discovery and diagnostics of Mendelian diseases. Our algorithms and tools are widely used to identify animal models of human disease through phenotypic similarity, for differential diagnostics and to facilitate translational research. Launched in 2015, Monarch has grown with regards to data (new organisms, more sources, better modeling); new API and standards; ontologies (new Mondo unified disease ontology, improvements to ontologies such as HPO and uPheno); user interface (a redesigned website); and community development. Monarch data, algorithms and tools are being used and extended by resources such as GA4GH and NCATS Translator, among others, to aid mechanistic discovery and diagnostics.

Tudor Groza | Damian Smedley | Simon Jupp | David Osumi-Sutherland | Julius O. B. Jacobsen | Sebastian Köhler | Nicolas Matentzoglu | Monica C Munoz-Torres | Xingmin Aaron Zhang | Seth Carbon | Matthew H. Brush | Deepak Unni | Erik Segerdell | Suzanna E Lewis | Valentina Cipriani | Julie A McMurry | Anne Thessen | Nathan Dunn | Julius O B Jacobsen | Petra Fey | Matthew Brush | Daniel Keith | Nomi L Harris | Paola Roncaglia | Tom Conlin | Shahim Essaid | Vida Ravanmehr | Nicole Vasilevsky | Hannah Blau | Clare Pilgrim | Christian A. Grove | Ada Hamosh | James Seager | Alayne Cuzick | Michael A. Gargano | Sofia M. C. Robb | Justin Reese | Morgan Similuk | Susan M Bello | Craig McNamara | James P Balhoff | Leigh Carmody | Ingo Helbig | Sofia Robb | Tim Putman | Melissa A Haendel | Christopher J Mungall | Michael Gargano | Peter N Robinson | M. Harris | S. Lewis | D. Smedley | S. Köhler | C. Mungall | T. Groza | S. Carbon | Hannah Blau | A. Hamosh | P. Fey | N. Harris | P. Robinson | M. Haendel | J. Reese | C. Grove | I. Helbig | E. Riggs | T. Putman | S. Jupp | N. Dunn | D. Osumi-Sutherland | P. Roncaglia | J. Balhoff | N. Vasilevsky | Y. Bradford | J. Gourdine | J. McMurry | Tom Conlin | Daniel Keith | Kent A. Shefchek | V. Cipriani | S. Robb | M. Munoz-Torres | A. Thessen | Maria G Della Rocca | D. Unni | Courtney Thaxon | M. Hoatlin | A. Cuzick | M. Similuk | Maureen Hoatlin | S. Bello | Midori Harris | Kent A Shefchek | Larry Babb | Yvonne Bradford | Lauren E Chan | Maria Della Rocca | Chris Grove | Jean-Phillipe Gourdine | Marcin Joachimiak | Kenneth B Lett | Zoë M Pendlington | Erin Riggs | Andrea L Storm | Courtney Thaxon | James Seager | V. Ravanmehr | Leigh Carmody | Shahim Essaid | N. Matentzoglu | L. Chan | X. A. Zhang | M. Gargano | Craig McNamara | A. L. Storm | marcin p. joachimiak | C. Pilgrim | E. Segerdell | Morgan N. Similuk | Z. Pendlington | L. Babb | H. Blau | Timothy Putman | Sebastian Köhler | S. Lewis

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