Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

The 2010 Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning is the fourteenth in the series of annual meetings organized by SIGNLL, the ACL special interest group on natural language learning. CONLL-2010 will be held in Uppsala, Sweden, 15-16 July 2010, in conjunction with ACL. For our special focus this year in the main session of CoNLL, we invited papers relating to grammar induction, from a machine learning, natural language engineering and cognitive perspective. We received 99 submissions on these and other relevant topics, of which 18 were eventually withdrawn. Of the remaining 81 papers, 12 were selected to appear in the conference programme as oral presentations, and 13 were chosen as posters. All accepted papers appear here in the proceedings. Following the ACL 2010 policy we allowed an extra page in the camera ready paper for authors to incorporate reviewer comments, so each accepted paper was allowed to have nine pages plus any number of pages containing only bibliographic references. As in previous years, CoNLL-2010 has a shared task, Learning to detect hedges and their scope in natural language text. The Shared Task papers are collected into an accompanying volume of CoNLL-2010.