Time bomb 2000 : what the year 2000 computer crisis means to you!
1. Year-2000 Fallback Planning Overview. Introduction. Risk Management. Severity of the Problem (Day, Month, Year, Decade). "Bottom Line" Advice. Endnotes. 2. Year-2000 Impact on Jobs. Introduction. How Could the Year-2000 Problem Cause All of This? Fallback Advice: The Two-Day Shutdown. Fallback Advice: The One-Month Shutdown. Fallback Advice: The One-Year Shutdown. Fallback Advice: The Ten-Year Shutdown. Endnotes. 3. Year-2000 Impact on Utilities. Introduction. How Could Such Failures Happen? The Electrical System. Additional Year-2000 Problems for Utility Companies. Fallback Advice: The Two-Day Failure. Fallback Advice: The One-Month Failure. Fallback Advice: The One-Year Failure. Endnotes. 4. Year-2000 Impact on Transportation. Introduction. Automobiles. Public Transportation: Trains and Buses. Planes. Another Transportation Problem: GPS Rollover Failures in 1999. Fallback Advice: Two-Day Problems. Fallback Advice: One-Month Problems. Fallback Advice: One-Year Problems. Fallback Advice: Ten-Year Problems. Endnotes. 5. Year-2000 Impact on Banking/Finance. Introduction. Year 2000 and the Banking System. More Serious Banking Problems. What's the Fed Doing About All of This? Credit Cards. The Stock Market. Recap: Could Things Really Be This Bad? Fallback Advice: The Two-Day Failure. Fallback Advice: The One-Month Failure. Fallback Advice: The One-Year Failure. Fallback Advice: The Ten-Year Failure. Endnotes. 6. Year-2000 Impact on Food. Introduction. Delivery of Food. Fallback Advice: Two-Day Failures. Fallback Advice: One-Month Failures. Fallback Advice: One-Year Failures. Fallback Advice: Ten-Year Failures. Endnotes. 7. Year-2000 Impact on Your Home PC. Introduction. Hardware Vulnerability. Operating System Vulnerability. Application Vulnerability. We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us. Fallback Suggestions-the Two-Day Failure. Fallback Suggestions-the One-Month Failure. Fallback Suggestions-the One-Year Failure. Fallback Suggestions-the Ten-Year Failure. Endnotes. 8. Year-2000 Impact on News Info. Introduction. Television and Radio. Newspapers and Magazines. Fallback Advice-Two-Day, One-Month, One-Year, and Ten-Year Failures. Endnotes. 9. Year-2000 Impact on Health/Medicine. Introduction. Medical Devices and Hospital Systems. Doctors. Medicare, Insurance, and Hospital/Doctor Paperwork. Prescription medicines. Fallback Advice-Two-Day Failures. Fallback Advice-One-Month Failures. Fallback Advice-One-Year Failures. Fallback Advice-Ten-Year Failures. Endnotes. 10. Year-2000 Impact on Government. Introduction. Social Security. Welfare, Food Stamps, Medicare, etc. Internal Revenue Service. The Defense Department. Other Federal Agencies. State and Local Agencies. What is Government Doing About the Year-2000 Problem? What Should the Government Be Doing About Year-2000? Fallback Advice-Two-Day Failures. Fallback Advice-One-Month Failures. Fallback Advice-One-Year Failures. Fallback Advice-Ten-Year Failures. Endnotes. 11. Year-2000 Impact on Embedded Systems. Introduction. Fallback Advice-Two-Day Failures. Fallback Advice-One-Month Failures. Fallback Advice-One-Year Failures. Fallback Advice-Ten-Year Failures. Endnotes. 12. Year-2000 Impact on Education. Introduction. Fallback Advice-Two-Day Disruptions. Fallback Advice-One-Month Disruptions. Fallback Advice-One-Year Disruptions. Fallback Advice-Ten-Year Disruptions. Endnotes. 13. Year-2000 Impact on Telephone and Mail Services. Introduction. Telephone, Fax, and E-mail. Mail and Parcel Post-FedEx, UPS, DHL, and the U.S. Postal Service. Fallback Advice-Two-Day Disruptions. Fallback Advice-One-Month Disruptions. Fallback Advice-One-Year Disruptions. Fallback Advice-Ten-Year Disruptions. Endnotes. 14. Conclusion. Introduction. Do Your Own "Reality Test". Make Your Own Assessment of Year-2000 Consequences. Most Important: Maintain Flexibility. A Final Thought. Endnotes. Appendix A. What the Year 2000 Problem Is All About. Appendix B. The Ripple Effect of the Year 2000 Problem.