Overview of RoboCup-99

RoboCup is an initiative designed to promote the full integration of AI and robotics research. Following the success of the first RoboCup in 1997 at Nagoya (Kitano 1998; Noda et al. 1998) and the second RoboCup in Paris in 1998, the Third Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conferences, RoboCup-99, were held in Stockholm from 27 July to 4 August 1999 in conjunction with the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-99). There were four different leagues: (1) the simulation league, (2) the small-size real robot league, (3) the middle-size real robot league, and (4) the Sony legged robot league. RoboCup-2000, the Fourth Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conferences, will take place in Melbourne, Australia, in August 2000.