Intentional action.

AIM The purpose of this paper is to present a concept analysis of intentional action. BACKGROUND Intentional action is a relevant concept for nurses because health behaviour involves action by the client of care. In addition, nurses take action when they assist their clients. Intentional action is a type of action distinguished by the presence of specific developmental skills and by intent or purpose. DESIGN This concept analysis reflects a comprehensive review of the action literature. FINDINGS This review revealed two views of intentional action: as social behaviour and as self-regulated behaviour influenced by external and internal factors. Based on these findings, the antecedents and consequences of this type of action are identified and the process of action is described. CONCLUSIONS The concept model illustrates the relationship of intentional action with external and internal factors and demonstrates its continuous nature. Areas for further inquiry include exploration of the effect of factors such as self-efficacy, motivation, self-esteem, managed care and reduced health care resources on intention and subsequent action; as well as the efficacy of nursing interventions designed to influence health behaviour such as health promotion education and treatment counselling.