Zinc to cadmium replacement in the prokaryotic zinc-finger domain

Manuscript ID: MT-ART-07-2013-000208.R2 Article Type: Paper Date Submitted by the Author: 28-Oct-2013 Complete List of Authors: Malgieri, Gaetano; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology Palmieri, Maddalena; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology Esposito, Sabrina; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology Maione, Vincenzo; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology Russo, Luigi; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology Baglivo, Ilaria; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology de Paola, Ivan; National Research Council , Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging (IBB) ; University of Naples Federico II, Interuniversity centre for research on bioactive peptides (CIRPEB) Milardi, Danilo; National Research Council, Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging (IBB) Diana, Donatella; National Research Council, Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging (IBB) Zaccaro, Laura; National Research Council , Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging (IBB) ; University of Naples Federico II, Interuniversity centre for research on bioactive peptides (CIRPEB) Pedone, Paolo Vincenzo; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology Fattorusso, Roberto; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology; University of Naples Federico II, Interuniversity centre for research on bioactive peptides (CIRPEB) Isernia, Carla; Second University of Naples, Department of environmental, biological and pharmaceutical science and technology; University of Naples Federico II, Interuniversity centre for research on bioactive peptides (CIRPEB)