Analysis of the Keypoints of EIA for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plant Project

As more and more cities tend to bulid incineration plants to deal with Municipal Solid Waste(MSW),the number of planned construction of incineration plant project is considerably growing.Environmental approval authorities and local community groups make more requirements for this kind of construction,therefore EIA of such projects become more and more difficult and there are many uncertainties about assessment emphasis and depth.The essential parts of assessment are:1) following the policy information promptly,2) finding questions with the most concern by environmental management authorities and the public.This study systematically analyses the general problems and obstacles that we could meet from present tendancy,environmental management requirements and some successful experience of carrying on EIA of such projects,and try to generalize some keypoints and questions with the most concern of the EIA redaction of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plants.