A method for locating potential tree-planting sites in urban areas: A case study of Los Angeles, USA
Although the chronic inflammations of tendon sheaths are, rightly, increasingly being seen as tubercular, nevertheless there are forms which cannot be ascribed to tuberculosis either from the clinical pictures or from the anatomical findings. These include: tendovaginitis chronica sicca (analogous to arthritis sicca), tendosynovitis prolifera urica, and serous non-tubercular tendosynovitis. Apart from the latter, doubtless often suspected to be tubercular, the non-tubercular chronic tendovaginitis has no doubt rarely given rise to surgical intervention, and is therefore not mentioned in most textbooks or manuals of surgery, or is mentioned only in passing. It may therefore be justified to report on some cases which, although more closely resembling tendosynovitis sicca, are nevertheless distinct from the picture given for the latter, and in which surgical treatment has proved to be very expedient. Let us preface the clinical discussion of this form of tendovaginitis with the case histories in brief: