Synchro-Phasor 기반의 Smart WAMAC 인프라 아키텍쳐 설계

Modern power system is operated and managed in closed network environment with treating a great variety of data, and requirement of real time power system data is more increasing. However, it is difficult for operators to fast evaluate the condition of power system using only isolation network system such as SCADA or EMS regarding unexpecting situations occurring. Recent technology achievement in areas of distributed computing, networking high speed communications and digital control as well as the availability of accurate GPS time source are rapidly becoming the enabling factors for the development of a new generation of real time power grid monitoring tools. In this paper, architecture of WAMAC which is the wide area monitoring and control system not only to control but also to monitoring in real time is proposed and the plan of integration interface with legacy system such as EMS for providing power system analysis base data effectively is suggested.