Psycholinguistic research : implications and applications

Foreword Part I: Past and Present Issues in Psycholinguistics 1 Doris Aaronson and R.W. Rieber Controversial issues in psycholinguistics 2 R.W. Rieber and Harold Vetter Theoretical and historical roots of psycholinguistic research Part II: Research Orientations 3 Doris Aaronson A cognitive approach to the study of language 4 Kurt Salzinger Ecolinguistics: a radical behaviour theory approach to language behaviour Part III: Phonology 5 Sanford A. Schane A survey of generative phonology 6 William Diver Phonology as human behaviour Part IV: Language and Cognition 7 Charles E. Osgood What is a language? 8 D. Terence Langendoen The role of grammar in the use of language 9 David McNeill Natural processing units of speech Part V: Language Development 10 Jerome Bruner Learning how to do things with words 11 Michael Maratsos How to get from words to sentences Part VI: Paralinguistic Aspects of Communication 12 Starkey Duncan, Jr. Face-to-face interaction 13 Joseph Jaffe, Samuel W. Anderson, and Daniel N. Stern Conversational rhythms Part VII: Applications of Psycholinguistics 14 Davis Howes The naming act and its disruption in aphasia 15 Donald P. Spence Language in psychotherapy 16 Aaron S. Carton and Lawrence V. Castiglione Educational psycholinguistics: defining the domain Author index Subject index