The Foregoing Letter was sent for Comment to Drs. Appelbaum and Deisseroth who Reply as Follows:

transfusion reaction, resulting from concomitant transfusion of incompatible red blood cells. In order to evaluate the isolated role of antileukocyte antibodies, it will be necessary either to prevent immunization to red blood cells during the process of leukocyte immunization, or to prepare granulocyte concentrates for transfusion which are largely free of red blood cells. Otherwise, it will be impossible to judge the true significance of specific anti-leukocyte antibodies, and serious misconceptions may result concerning the immunologic considerations attending granulocyte transfusion therapy. -Dennis Goldjinger. M . D . . Associate Pothologist. Section on Blood Banking, CiJdurs-Sinui Medical Center. Los Ange1i.s. CA 90048.