The endocrinology of stress.

With the advance in hormone assay techniques it has been demonstrated that stress may be characterised by a number of endocrinological changes which are not limited solely to the secretion of catecholamines and adrenal steroids. This article reviews the effects of various stressors on these and other hormones. Aviation is a source of a wide range of stressors including radial acceleration (+Gz) Since its magnitude and duration may be controlled experimentally by using the human centrifuge, it is possible to quantify such a stressor when investigating endocrinological markers of stress. Sustained +Gz acceleration results in a "dose-dependent" secretion of cortisol, i.e. the higher the acceleration, the greater the cortisol secretion. In addition, increases in the concentrations of arginine vasopressin and catecholamines occur but these are not accompanied by changes in prolactin or growth hormone.