4축 스테이지 속도와 가속도 변화에 따른 입출력 오차 분석
Precision of stage which is used in nano imprint fabrication process is one of the element to influence in alignment process. The 4 axis stage either which is positioned continuously actuator to operator precise motion as a nano level or which is positioned and made with two actuator in each axises is possible motion of 3 degrees of freedom(X, Y, θ). but 4axis stage can be happened to mechanical error, because there are many actuator than number of degree worked by constructor, when stage is worked. so, if this reason of error is revised after understanding, 4 axis stage is more precise in the nano imprint fabrication process then there can be made more exact LCD panel. This study has a purpose to search that value was revised so that e after when working 4axis This purpose of study is calculating profile of velocity and profile of position about 4axis stage velocity difference and is search reviced value to compare result value and input-output value.