멀티형 인버터 열펌프의 냉방성능해석에 관한 연구
A system simulation program was developed for a multi-type inverter heat pump. Electronic expansion valve (EEV) was used to extend the capacity modulating range of the heat pump as expansion device. The program was also developed to calculate actual system performance with the building load variation with climate during a year. The performance variation of a multi-type heat pump with two EEV and an inverter compressor was simulated with compressor speed, capacity, and flow area of the EEV. As a result, the optimum operating frequency of the compressor and openings of the expansion device were decided at a given load. As compressor speed increased, the capacity of heat pump increased. Therefore flow area of EEV should be adjusted to have wide openness. Thus the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump decreased due to increasement of compressor power input. The maximum COP point at a given load was decided according to the compressor speed. And under the given specific compressor speed and the load, the optimum openings point of EEV was also decided. Although the total load of indoor units was constant, the operating frequency increased as the fraction of load in a room increased. Finally as the compressor power input increased, the coefficient of performance decreased.