Review of low template DNA typing

Abstract Low copy number (LCN) DNA profiling has played a prominent part in the investigation of many high profile crimes. It has been accepted by a limited number of criminal justice systems throughout the world but due to issues with interpretation and reporting of results there have been questions raised about the technique. In the UK the method was suspended when its use in a trial was questioned, after DNA was found on explosive devices used in the detonation of a bomb that killed 29 people in a town centre. In particular the validation procedures leading to the introduction of LCN were at issue. LCN had also come under question in a second high profile case leading to a review being commissioned by the UK Home Office. The review had unprecedented access to the validation process that the three UK suppliers of low template DNA typing had performed prior to introducing the technique. The review published its findings and made 21 recommendations while recommending that the technique be reintroduced into the UK criminal justice system. This presentation will comment upon the background to the review, its findings and the future of low template DNA typing.