Ultrafast switching of magnetic nanoelements using a rotating field

Nanostructured granular Ni80Fe20 and Co films are studied using a 3D hybrid finite element/boundary element model. Switching dynamics are calculated for external fields applied unidirectional after a rise time of 0.1 ns and for a 10 GHz rotational field with a field strength of Hext=0.2 Js/μ0 (160 kA/m for NiFe and 280 kA/m for Co). The transient magnetization patterns show that reversal in the unidirectional field proceeds by the nucleation and propagation of end domains towards the center of the element. The switching time strongly depends on the Gilbert damping parameter α. Materials with uniaxial anisotropy (Co), require larger field, but exhibit shorter switching times. Reversal in rotational fields involves inhomogeneous rotation of the end domains towards the rotational field direction leading to partial flux-closure structures. Shorter switching times are obtained by the application of the 10 GHz rotational field (tsw=0.05 ns). Precessional oscillation effects after abruptly switching off the exte...