The intense human activity determines the continuous development of systems and means of transport, which contributes to the intensification of existing road traffic risks and the emergence of new ones. Reduction in the number of fatalities of road accidents is dependent on investment in transport infrastructure, the development of safety systems for means of transport and the care for the technical condition of vehicles. Furthermore, the human factor is manifested in the growing awareness of hazards and improving skills of vehicle drivers. The article presents the construction, operating principles and technical capabilities of the most commonly used hydraulic rescue tools. All this was presented against the background of selected problems occurring during rescue operations while releasing victims caught in car wrecks.
Michał Chmiel,et al.
Przegląd możliwości wykorzystania wybranego sprzętu ratowniczo-gaśniczego w działaniach jednostek ochrony przeciwpożarowej w kontekście wymagań systemu dopuszczeń
Jacek Caban,et al.
Stan bezpieczeństwa transportu drogowego w Polsce i na Słowacji w porównaniu z innymi krajami UE
A. Marczuk,et al.
Przyczyny powstawania wypadków drogowych w Polsce
Jacek Caban,et al.
Stan bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w Polsce i na Słowacji w latach 2002 - 2013
Marek Opielak,et al.
Procedury, sprzęt i problemy ratownictwa