강인한 비례적분 슬라이딩 모드를 이용한 초중량물 로봇의 제어
This paper presents comparative experimental results of PI sliding mode control and PI control for a heavy duty robot which can handle an object of 600kg, The gains of the PI control was determined by TAE(Trial and Error) method. This paper presents a novel approach for the decoupling of the states cross-coupling using sliding mode control. The sliding mode control methode is based on the error between reference speeds and the actual speed. The proposed method has the advantages of PI control performance and the sliding mode control robustness. Its first step is to design PI controller, then the sliding mode control input term is added to it. This makes actual implementation of the controller easier. The robot and motion controllers were designed and made by author. The good control performance of the heavy duty robot was obtained by using simple algorithm. This means that the robot was designed very well in control respect.