FBNetV3: Joint Architecture-Recipe Search using Neural Acquisition Function

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) yields state-of-the-art neural networks that outperform their best manually-designed counterparts. However, previous NAS methods search for architectures under one training recipe (i.e., training hyperparameters), ignoring the significance of training recipes and overlooking superior architectures under other training recipes. Thus, they fail to find higher-accuracy architecture-recipe combinations. To address this oversight, we present JointNAS to search both (a) architectures and (b) their corresponding training recipes. To accomplish this, we introduce a neural acquisition function that scores architectures and training recipes jointly. Following pre-training on a proxy dataset, this acquisition function guides both coarse-grained and fine-grained searches to produce FBNetV3. FBNetV3 is a family of state-of-the-art compact ImageNet models, outperforming both automatically and manually-designed architectures. For example, FBNetV3 matches both EfficientNet and ResNeSt accuracy with 1.4x and 5.0x fewer FLOPs, respectively. Furthermore, the JointNAS-searched training recipe yields significant performance gains across different networks and tasks.

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