of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy HIGH-PERFORMANCE PERIODIC CONTENTION-FREE MULTIPLE-ACCESS PROTOCOL FOR BROADBAND POWERLINE COMMUNICATIONS By Yu-Ju Lin May, 2004 Chair: Haniph Latchman Major Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering Applications over PLC networks have drawn much interest in the academic community as well as in the communication industry, not only because of inherent convenience (connecting PLC-capable devices requires no new wires), but also because almost all electrical devices have to connect to a power outlet eventually. This technology makes implementing a digital home entertainment center more realistic than ever. HDTVs in different rooms are now able to share digital content from one set-top box without rewiring, or setting up wireless access points. MP3 players can access music data through PLC networks from different rooms playing different music. PLC networks provide an enabling technology for the smart home. However, PLC technology is still evolving and many problems remain unsolved. The hostile environment of PLC channels makes reliable data transmission difficult. The PLC channel is known for its hostile nature in transmitting electrical signals. Protocols designed for other media may not be suitable for PLC. In some ways, PLC channels are

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