Abstract : Wood-frame construction is the principal construction method for US Army Forward Operating Bases (FOBs). Typical FOBs are lo-cated where there is no ready access to commercial-grade construction materials. Because materials must be transported to FOBs by cargo aircraft and convoy, construction is expensive and often hazardous. The authors investigated ways to minimize FOB construction logistical burdens through increased usage of indigenous construction materials (ICMs). The objective was to develop a tool capable of using quantitative data to help decision makers determine the practicality of using ICMs to build FOB facilities during contingency op-erations, humanitarian assistance, or reconstruction efforts. This report documents a decision-support tool called the Indigenity Index, which was developed to provide a standardized procedure and criteria for selecting the most feasible solutions for housing personnel in FOBs. Indigenity ranking metrics address constructed quality, mission-sustainment capability, life-cycle cost-effectiveness, and others. The tool is driven by data specified to provide infor-mation about key criteria and an algorithm for processing those data. The result is an overall Indigenity Index value that indicates the relative indigenity of competing construction approaches. The report includes an experimental application of the Indigenity Index algo-rithm to a hypothetical case study using data relevant to South Sudan.