Development of A Left-turn Reversible Lane System
Concentration of traffic demand and Not-planned development results in a serious fluctuation of traffic movement. The queue in a left-turn lane not only affects through movements but also causes traffic accidents when left-turn movements concentrate on a intersection, Although the attempt which efficiently manages turn movements such as advanced signal system that treats traffic movements in real time has done, there is a limitation in treating traffic volume by only signal timing. In this paper, A Left-Turn Reversible Lane System is developed into a concept of managing space which can treat left-turn movement actively. A result of applying A Left-Turn Reversible Lane System and simulation shows that average delay decreases in 12 second per vehicle rather than when a signal timing is just optimized. In addition to, the dispersion of queue and delay reduces serious queue which originates in specific movements, and it is expected to decrease traffic accidents which result from unreasonable lane changing in an intersection.