Science Education for Everyone: Why and What?.

The posting below takes a new look at what kind of general science education should be made available to all college students. It is by James Trefil is the Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Physics at George Mason University. The article appeared in the Spring 2008 Liberal Education, Vol. 94, No. 1. Association of American Colleges and Universities and is adapted from a presentation made in October 2007 at "Promoting the Liberal Sciences: Science as Liberal Education," a joint conference sponsored by the American Conference of Academic Deans and the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Both the article and the conference presentation are based on Professor Trefil's latest book, Why Science? (Columbia Teachers College Press, 2007). Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. To respond to this article, e-mail, with the author's name on the subject line.