Holistic Approach to Research into Dust and Dust Control on Unsealed Roads
Aspects of dust and dust control have been studied for many years in most countries with unsealed road networks. However, no comprehensive coordinated study to investigate the processes affecting the generation of road dust, road dust measurement, road dust prediction, acceptability criteria for dust, or the performance of dust palliatives has been undertaken. Over the past 6 years, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research has been engaged in such a study. Although research has been undertaken on behalf of numerous parties, experimental designs have been coordinated in an attempt to develop guidelines for the responsible use of dust palliatives. Unfortunately, many of the experiments that have been undertaken by product manufacturers and road authorities over the years have been uncoordinated and poorly monitored, with minimal information being recorded or published. Many of these experiments have failed, with the product always being blamed, and this, together with poor marketing techniques used by suppliers, has led to skepticism by the roads industry toward the use of the products. Scientific research, following detailed experimental designs, funded by the product suppliers has resulted in the development of guidelines for the use of certain products. Studies have shown that, provided the products are used under appropriate circumstances, they can provide a cost-effective interim measure to improve the quality of life and preserve construction materials until such time as the road can be upgraded to a sealed surface. The holistic approach to dust and dust control research that has been followed is discussed here, a summary of the findings is described, and recommendations toward implementing a dust-control program are made.