Classical Cooperative Theory I: Core-Like Concepts

Pure bargaining games discussed in the previous two lectures are a special case of n-person cooperative games. In the general setup coalitions other than the grand coalition matter as well. The primitive is the coalitional form (or, “coalitional function”, or “characteristic form”). The primitive can represent many different things, e.g., a simple voting game where we associate to a winning coalition the worth 1 and to a losing coalition the worth 0, or an economic market that generates a cooperative game. Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944) suggested that one should look at what a coalition can guarantee (a kind of a constant-sum game between a coalition and its complement); however, that might not always be appropriate. Shapley and Shubik introduced the notion of a C-game (see Shubik (1982)): it is a game where there is no doubt on how to define the worth of a coalition. This happens, for example, in exchange economies where a coalition can reallocate its own resources, independent of what the complement does.

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