Low-Power Helium Pulsed Arcjet

An electrothermal thruster that operates in a rapid-pulse mode at low power ( 85%of the initial stored energy is transferred to the arc in a unipolar pulse. The arc discharges occur in a cylindrical capillary upstream of a converging–diverging nozzle, and all of the energy additionoccurs in the subsonic region. Tests with heliumpropellant are conducted for two 20-deghalf-angle conicalnozzleswith area ratiosof 20 and230.Thrust levels from14 to 31mNaremeasured,andamaximumspeciŽ c impulse of 313 s is achieved with 36% efŽ ciency at 119 W. A time-dependent, quasi-one-dimensional numerical model is developed to evaluate energy losses using a time-marching procedure, and comparisonwith experimental results is good. Heat transfer losses to the wall in the subsonic region are found to be the primary energy-loss mechanisms. SpeciŽ c impulse is strongly affected by wall temperature. Viscous effects become important as the speciŽ c energy increases above 12 MJ/kg and the throat Reynolds number falls below 1 £ 103.