Electric Propulsion Applications in the SmallGEO Product Line

Based on Ion acceleration in an electric field, Electric Propulsion (EP) is characterized by high specific impulse at low thrust. If the related maneuver durations are acceptable and sufficient electrical power is available, EP utilization can maximize the payload mass of a satellite. In the early development of the Small GEO platform [1], OHB applied Hall- Effect Thrusters in a solely EP based orbit control system [2] to enable such mass savings and direct launcher injection. At that time transfer durations to GEO of no longer than a few weeks were accepted by the commercial telecommunication market calling for Chemical Propulsion (CP) for the transfer. About 5 years later, transfer durations in the order of up to six month are considered by one of the largest fleet operators SES, in case major overall system costs savings including the launcher can be achieved [3]. In October 2013, ESA, SES and OHB established the Electra program Phase B1 in the frame of ARTES-33, a public-private partnership aimed at developing a full-electric propulsion small satellite platform [4]. The SmallGEO-FLEX platform development for Electra will nearly double the P/L capacity of the SmallGEO-FAST platform based on chemical propulsion at even lower launch mass. This paper presents the OHB SmallGEO product line with focus on EP applications including the implementation on Heinrich-Hertz and Electra missions. The mission and system design will be discussed with emphasis on the specific challenges of EP accommodation.