Analysis of Trends in Construction Research: 1985-2002

This paper provides a historical perspective on construction research trends as reflected in the American Society of Civil Engineer's Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (JCEM). The paper reports the results of an 18-year analysis of JCEM between 1985 and 2002. The analysis focused on such data as author information (affiliations and home countries), as well as the research topics of the technical papers. The paper summarizes the data extracted from the journal and use it to analyze construction research trends. Construction trends reveal that U.S. writers contributed the most papers by that there has been an increasing number of international submissions to the journal. The top research topical areas relate to scheduling, productivity, constructability, simulation, cost control, planning, safety, and computer systems as described in this paper show that research is increasing throughout the world and topics are changing as current needs change. However, there is a need to increase research collaboration between industry and academia, government and academia, and industry and government to advance the construction industry.