Overview of the RFX fusion science program

This paper summarizes the main achievements of the RFX fusion science program in the period between the 2008 and 2010 IAEA Fusion Energy Conferences. RFX-mod is the largest reversed field pinch in the world, equipped with a system of 192 coils for active control of MHD stability. The discovery and understanding of helical states with electron internal transport barriers and core electron temperature >1.5 keV significantly advances the perspectives of the configuration. Optimized experiments with plasma current up to 1.8 MA have been realized, confirming positive scaling. The first evidence of edge transport barriers is presented. Progress has been made also in the control of first-wall properties and of density profiles, with initial first-wall lithization experiments. Micro-turbulence mechanisms such as ion temperature gradient and micro-tearing are discussed in the framework of understanding gradient-driven transport in low magnetic chaos helical regimes. Both tearing mode and resistive wall mode active control have been optimized and experimental data have been used to benchmark numerical codes. The RFX programme also provides important results for the fusion community and in particular for tokamaks and stellarators on feedback control of MHD stability and on three-dimensional physics. On the latter topic, the result of the application of stellarator codes to describe three-dimensional reversed field pinch physics will be presented.

K. J. McCollam | Fabio Villone | Elena Gaio | L. Apolloni | X. Garbet | Go Matsunaga | A. Luchetta | Guglielmo Rubinacci | Fulvio Auriemma | M. Brombin | M. Okabayashi | Simone Peruzzo | L. Piron | N. Pomaro | Silvia Spagnolo | Neil Pomphrey | M. Cavinato | M. Spolaore | G. Rostagni | C. Taliercio | Alberto Alfier | A. Fiorentin | F. Sattin | David Terranova | S. Dal Bello | M. Dalla Palma | Andrea Rizzolo | Donald A. Spong | E. Spada | Matteo Agostini | C. Angioni | Anton Soppelsa | Giuseppe Marchiori | Lionello Marrelli | Paolo Zanca | Dominique Escande | V. Igochine | T. Bolzonella | P. Martin | J. Adamek | Piero Agostinetti | V. Antoni | Oliviero Barana | Simona Barison | M. Baruzzo | Paolo Bettini | M. Boldrin | D. Bonfiglio | Federica Bonomo | Allen H. Boozer | J. Brotankova | A. Buffa | Alessandra Canton | Susanna Cappello | L. Carraro | R. Cavazzana | M. Cavinato | Luis Chacon | Giuseppe Chitarin | W. A. Cooper | R. Delogu | A. De Lorenzi | G. De Masi | J. Q. Dong | Michael Drevlak | F. Fantini | Alessandro Fassina | F. Fellin | A. Ferro | S. Fiameni | Paolo Franz | E. Gazza | Leonardo Giudicotti | Francesco Gnesotto | M. Gobbin | Luca Grando | S. C. Guo | Yoichi Hirano | S. P. Hirshman | Shunsuke Ide | Yongkyoon In | Paolo Innocente | Satoru Kiyama | S. F. Liu | Yueqiang Liu | D. Lòpez Bruna | Rita Lorenzini | Gabriele Manduchi | D. K. Mansfield | Diego Marcuzzi | S. Martini | Emilio Martines | G. Mazzitelli | Sheena Menmuir | F. Milani | B. Momo | M. Moresco | Stefano Munaretto | L. Novello | S. Ortolani | Roberto Paccagnella | Roberto Pasqualotto | M. Pavei | G. V. Perverezev | R. Piovan | P. Piovesan | A. Pizzimenti | Italo Predebon | Maria Ester Puiatti | V. Rigato | A. Ruzzon | Hajime Sakakita | Raul Sanchez | John Sarff | A. Scaggion | Paolo Scarin | Wolf-Dieter Schneider | Gianluigi Serianni | Piergiorgio Sonato | Gianluca Spizzo | Manabu Takechi | Vanni Toigo | M. Valisa | M. Veranda | N. Vianello | Zhirui Wang | R. B. White | D. Yadikin | P. Zaccaria | A. Zamengo | B. Zaniol | L. Zanotto | E. Zilli | Giuseppe Zollino | M. Zuin | F. Milani | M. Cavinato | L. Giudicotti | E. Zilli | P. Sonato | X. Garbet | C. Angioni | R. White | A. Boozer | E. Gaio | R. Piovan | G. Rubinacci | D. Yadikin | R. Paccagnella | T. Bolzonella | G. Marchiori | A. Luchetta | G. Manduchi | L. Marrelli | P. Martin | S. Ortolani | G. Spizzo | P. Zanca | M. Okabayashi | F. Villone | V. Rigato | G. Chitarin | V. Toigo | V. Antoni | Y. Hirano | N. Pomaro | S. Munaretto | Y.Q. Liu | D. Spong | Y. In | N. Pomphrey | M. Takechi | M. Drevlak | M. Brombin | R. Cavazzana | M. Moresco | D. Mansfield | L. Carraro | N. Vianello | M. Zuin | S. Martini | F. Fellin | M. Valisa | J. Sarff | P. Scarin | M. Spolaore | E. Martines | S. Barison | P. Innocente | A. Canton | G. Serianni | D. Terranova | A. Alfier | R. Pasqualotto | F. Sattin | R. Lorenzini | P. Piovesan | D. Bonfiglio | F. Bonomo | S. Cappello | D. Escande | A. Fassina | P. Franz | M. Gobbin | L. Apolloni | F. Auriemma | O. Barana | M. Baruzzo | J. Brotánková | A. Buffa | A. Ferro | E. Gazza | F. Gnesotto | L. Grando | S. Guo | V. Igochine | D. Marcuzzi | L. Novello | S. Peruzzo | L. Piron | A. Pizzimenti | I. Predebon | G. Rostagni | E. Spada | A. Soppelsa | S. Spagnolo | C. Taliercio | P. Zaccaria | B. Zaniol | L. Zanotto | B. Momo | S. D. Bello | P. Agostinetti | M. Boldrin | R. Delogu | S. Kiyama | G. Matsunaga | G. Mazzitelli | M. Pavei | A. Rizzolo | A. Ruzzon | H. Sakakita | A. Scaggion | M. Veranda | A. Zamengo | F. Fantini | S. Menmuir | S. Fiameni | G. Zollino | W. Schneider | R. Sánchez | G. De Masi | S. Ide | W. Cooper | M. Dalla Palma | M. Agostini | A. Fiorentin | D. López Bruna | J. Adámek | K. McCollam | P. Bettini | Z. Wang | M. Puiatti | S. Hirshman | J. Dong | A. de Lorenzi | S.F. Liu | L. Chacon

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