Actors’ heterogeneity and the context of interaction in affecting innovation networks

Purpose – The aim of this paper is to explore the role of actors’ heterogeneity and the context of interaction on collective innovation. Design/methodology/approach – By using the six sources of heterogeneity identified by Corsaro et al. (2012) – goals, competences and skills, knowledge bases, power/position, perceptions and cultures – the authors describe the cases of two consecutive projects – ESASIM and NeWTeC – developed within Kilometro Rosso Science Park. The collaborative innovative outcome (simulation software) developed in the first phase was subsequently applied by each actor in its specific context. At the macro level, the authors define the processes that describe the role of actors’ heterogeneity in both the contexts of innovation development and application; at the micro level, the authors shed some light on the role of the single actor acting simultaneously as a provider and as a user with respect to different contexts. Findings – In this paper, the processes through which actors’ heterogen...

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