Summary and Analysis of Wind Tunnel Tests of Several Store Configurations at High Subsonic and Low Supersonic Speeds

Abstract : The data obtained from wind tunnel tests of five store configurations have been summarized and documented. Two series of tests were run; force and captive trajectory tests were conducted in late 1974 and pressure tests were completed in early 1975. The purpose of the two series of tests was to help identify a store shape and configuration which would have acceptable release characteristics from a parent aircraft. From the force and captive trajector tests, it was found that all of the store shapes tested had marginal, but acceptable, release characteristics at a Mach number of 0.5, but none had acceptable trajectories at Mach numbers above 1.0. The smaller diameter stores release better than the 16-inch, but are still only marginally acceptable. The pressure tests provided some answers as to the reason for high negative pitching moments on the stores. Large pressure differences exist over the nose regions on all the stores which have a tendency to pitch the store downward. No final acceptable store was identified.