Re/constructing engineering and technology careers: support for women returners in the UK

Women who take a career break face additional difficulties in returning to and progressing their careers in engineering and technology research. Helping women re-enter and develop skills to advance in such careers has been the subject of a great deal of Government discussion in the United Kingdom for several years. In response to the 2002 ‘SET Fair’ report a UK Resource Centre for Women in Science Engineering and Technology was established as the government’s lead agency on women in SET. One of its key objectives is to support SET women returners. The Open University in partnership with the UK Resource Centre for Women in SET has developed a course for women returners to offer support and direction in helping them return to SET. This paper will explore the impact of the OU online course which has already attracted over 500 women returners, showing how women are supported in refreshing their research skills and identifying opportunities to return to their careers. We will highlight how the course and additional services offered by the UK Resource Centre such as work placements, peer mentoring and networking events have helped women in their return to SET careers