Routing Protocols for Landslide Prediction using Wireless Sensor Networks

Landslide prediction and early warning system is an important application where sensor networks can be deployed to minimize loss of life and property. Due to the dense deployment of sensors in landslide prone areas, clustering is an efficient approach to reduce redundant communication from co-located sensors. In this paper we propose two distributed clustering and multi-hop routing protocols, CAMP and HBVR, for this problem. While CAMP is a new clustering and routing protocol, HBVR is an enhancement of BVR with HEED. We further enhance CAMP and HBVR with TEEN, a threshold based event driven protocol. TEEN is most suitable protocol for this application since different rock types can have different thresholds for stress values. Simulation results show that CAMP-TEEN gives the best performance with respect to network life time and energy consumption.