Computational Dispersion Properties of Horizontal Staggered Grids for Atmospheric and Ocean Models

Abstract The computational dispersion properties of horizontally and time-horizontally staggered grids using corresponding centered-difference schemes for approximation of the Adjustment, or gravity wave equation, are analyzed in terms of their group velocity characteristics. Results are obtained for atmospheric and oceanic models, the latter being characterized by a much smaller Rossby radius of deformation. Three best time-horizontally staggered grids have practically the same advantageous computational dispersion properties as the Arakawa C grid for both atmospheric and oceanic models—namely, the time-staggered D (or Eliassen) and time-staggered C (only with a semi-implicit scheme) grids—and to a certain extent the Lilly grid. Both, the Arakawa B and the time-staggered A grids for atmospheric and oceanic models, along with the Arakawa E and the time-staggered E grids only for atmospheric models (although having worse dispersion properties) also may be used as additional practical options. For all grids...