IAEA surveillance data administration within Mat-DB

The Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy (JRC-IE) has developed a web-enabled materials database (Mat-DB) for storing materials test data resulting from international research projects together with other documentation in a related document management database (DoMa) providing fast access to confidential and public data sets. The databases are implemented in the secure (On-line Data Information Network) ODIN portal. Mat-DB covers thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties data of engineering alloys at low, elevated and high temperatures for base materials and joints, including irradiated materials for nuclear fission and fusion applications, thermal barrier coated materials for gas turbines and properties of corroded materials. The corrosion part refers to weight gain/loss data of high temperature exposed engineering alloys and ceramic materials. For each test type the database structure reflects international test standards and recommendations. Mat-DB features an extensive library of evaluation programs for web-enabled assessment of uniaxial creep, fatigue, crack growth and high temperature corrosion properties. Evaluations can be performed after data retrieval or independently of Mat-DB by transferring other materials data in a given format to the programs. The fast evaluation processes help the user to get a detailed data analysis or data extrapolation for component design and life-time prediction. Within a bi-lateral agreement Mat-DB hosts also thousands IAEA surveillance data of the International Database of Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials (IDRPVM) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). These data come from reactor pressure vessel materials of different nuclear power plants of IAEA member states. These tensile and impact materials data tested before and after irradiation are uploaded in a confidential area of Mat-DB only accessible for the entitled IAEA administrators.