Introduction of Multimedia Usage in Aviation Maintenance and Aeronautical Engineering Technology Programs

Multimedia as an educational tool takes many forms, but the main focus in this paper is PC-based instruction, specifically streaming videos.  There are many who question the use of PC-based instruction or e-learning as a replacement to the classroom; however, not quite as many argue for its use as supplemental material. Multimedia in aviation, the industry to which this study is related, is a reality but emphasis has been on flight and air traffic control.  While maintenance has made strides to incorporate multimedia within the industry, it has been a top-down approach starting with the airlines and large corporations. Maintenance training schools have yet to achieve that same level of integration. It was the researchers’ goal to illustrate how the use of multimedia in the classroom can benefit students when used as a supplement to lecture-based instruction.  The analysis of multimedia in education, a brief background, and the usage of multimedia in aviation maintenance programs provide the foundation for this paper.