Tutorial: Recent Advances in Verification, Equivalence Checking & SAT-Solvers Speakers
Design flow, RTL-verification, Simulation-based techniques, basic concepts of equivalence checking, combinational equivalence checking, ATPG-based techniques, compare point matching, mitering, don’t cares, solver overview (structural verification, BDD-based solvers, SAT-based solvers), Decision Diagrams (BDDs, zBDDs, word-level DDs). Also to be covered are Concepts in SAT solvers (backtrack-search algorithm, effective techniques, including non-chronological backtracking & Boolean constraint propagation), new EDArelated techniques (covering immediate implications, partial-clauses, local decisions & partial clauses). Finally, the Tutorial will give an overview of various commercially available tools, & their applicability. Also to be discussed are future challenges, such as design for verifiability & potential new directions.