Methodology to Compare Twitter Reaction Trends between Disinformation Communities, to COVID related Campaign Events at Different Geospatial Granularities

With still ongoing COVID pandemic, there is an immediate need for a deeper understanding of how Twitter discussions (or chatters) in disinformation spreading communities get triggered. More specifically, the value is in monitoring how such trigger events in Twitter discussion do align with the timelines of relevant influencing events in the society (indicated in this work as campaign events). For campaign events in regards to COVID pandemic, we consider both NPI (Nonpharmaceutical Interventions) campaigns and disinformation spreading campaigns together. In this short paper we have presented a novel methodology to quantify, compare and relate two Twitter disinformation communities, in terms of their reaction patterns to the timelines of major campaign events. We have also analyzed these campaigns at their three geospatial granularity contexts: local county, state, and country/ federal. We have conducted a novel dataset collection on campaigns (NPI + Disinformation) at these different geospatial granularities. Then, with collected dataset on Twitter disinformation communities, we have performed a case study to validate our proposed methodology.